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How to Avoid Identity Theft on Social Media


Preventing identity theft is something that, unfortunately, many people are in need of. Since the development of the internet, more and more individuals have experienced identity theft, had their houses doxxed, and their finances robbed at the hands of hackers and criminals operating on the web. These violators of privacy are elusive and can be extremely difficult to catch. The sheer number of cases that occur each year makes it difficult for law enforcement to keep up. It is therefore critical that you take all the necessary precautions to avoid becoming a victim of identity theft by consulting a Florida identity theft attorney today.

The Basics of Self-Protection on the Web

One of the primary sources of information that leads to identity theft is social media. Social media displays an array of information that criminals are able to use in order to access bank accounts or open a credit card in your name. There are a number of informational elements that you should reconsider posting publicly.

  • Your full name, including middle names or initials
  • Addresses, even those that are temporary
  • Contact information such as phone numbers, email addresses, and communication profiles (Skype, Zoom, etc.) 
  • Information regarding the identity of spouses, parents, and children
  • Relationship status
  • Names of places you frequent such as your place of work or child’s school

One oftentimes overlooked example of information given to the public regards photos and videos posted on social media accounts. A simple picture of your son in his soccer jersey can expose the area you live, where your children attend sports games, and the school they go to. As only a small amount of sleuthing can result in disastrous consequences for your privacy, the utmost amount of caution should be exercised while using social media. Another helpful step that can be taken is to limit who can see your photos and posts by reviewing the privacy settings on all your accounts.

Avoiding Scams and Protecting Your Passwords

Hiding your information and activity online is only the first step. Although it may be obvious, one should never share passwords or the answers to security questions that are associated with their accounts. It may be the case that you are presented with an email or message asking for this type of information from a “support team”. More often than not, These are individuals attempting to scam you out of your personal information. Handing over access to your accounts may reveal credit card information to scammers. Extra precautions should also be taken with children and the elderly to ensure they do not fall victim to these traps.

The Number One Way to Persecute Identity Theft

Sharmin & Sharmin has seen these types of incidents time and time again. Identity theft is all too common and can end in disaster for someone’s entire family. Therefore, it is necessary that you stay up-to-date on all the ways to protect you and your loved ones from identity theft and maintain your privacy on social media. If you would like to learn more, please call one of our representatives at 1(844)-Sharmin (742-7646) where an identity theft attorney will be able to address your questions and concerns regarding online crime.

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