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How Can Email Phishing Impact Your Business?

The integrity of a business is vital to its existence, and when it is lost, it can take time to repair the damage. Sadly, that may be impossible when a business’s customers are harmed through email phishing scams. Data breaches due to email phishing are on the rise, and protecting your business from ID theft…

What Is Credit Card Skimming?

Just swiping your credit card seems like such a simple action, but it could lead to financial fraud. With just one swipe, your credit card information, bank account details, and personally identifiable information could be shared with someone who wishes to use it for their own profit. One way to do this is through skimming….

What Payment Alternatives Can Help Prevent Credit Fraud?

If you have been the victim of identity theft, you know the difficulties that can come from this process of trying to prove who you are and what you actually owe. The last thing you want to happen is for fraud to cripple you again. But what payment alternatives can help prevent credit fraud? What…

Electronic Banking Safety Tips to Prevent Identity Theft

The world is fast moving towards a digital transformation in which most transactions happen online, on a smartphone, and in the blink of an eye, including bank-related transactions. This opens the door to identity theft. Suppose you are one of the many people embracing this technology (and most of us are). In that case, it…

Explaining Your Equal Credit Opportunity Rights

You have rights when borrowing money, investing, or using your bank account. These laws protect you from discrimination, ensuring that you have the same ability and access to funds as anyone else. That does not always happen, though. A good starting point is to explain your Equal Credit Opportunity Act rights and what they mean…

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