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Can I Keep My Car if I File a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Unfortunately, many Americans are unaware of how specific financial mechanisms can impact their lives. At no fault of their own, the extreme complexities that arise when attempting to file for bankruptcy, for example, leave people with more questions than answers. To get a better understanding of how a Chapter 7 bankruptcy claim influences large personal…

Florida Debt Collection Laws

Debt collection is a common concern for millions of Floridians every day. Medical debt, student loans, and mortgages are among the most common types of debts for residents of the Sunshine State. Unfortunately, not all are able to pay their debts in full, leaving the concern of predatory debt collection agencies looming over their heads. …

Can I Pay Off My Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan Early?

Between all the different types of bankruptcy declarations and intricacies of the legal system, the complexity of it all is often enough to confuse and discourage borrowers. One example of this is the recurring question of one’s ability to pay off a Chapter 13 plan early. Unfortunately, the answer is not so straightforward. Contact our…

The ‘No Surprises Act’ – What Does it Mean for Consumers?

Historically, America has struggled with its healthcare system. With more and more patients finding it difficult to navigate every aspect of current American healthcare institutions, new legislation has slowly been introduced by state and federal lawmakers to protect consumers. This is where the “No Surprises Act” steps in. Call or email a Florida consumer protection…

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